Showing posts with label junction city oregon wedding photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label junction city oregon wedding photography. Show all posts

Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh how I love editing tools! I used lightroom, and at first I wasn't even thinking to delete the whole table! I just started with the food items, and then realized, "Hey I can do the whole table!" Then I started trying some different extremes in lighting and wa la, I love it! Nikita you are beautiful! :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Family RIVAS

So this is my lovely family Rivas! My big bro and his sweet brood of girls!:) It was a lot of fun doing this shoot, and it's so fun to just keep learning and growing. Hope you enjoy, don't forget if you want Holiday photos, I am still doing the $40 special. Blessings to all during these joyful holidays.

Friday, October 14, 2011

30 day photo challenge

So I decided I wanted to challenge myself to taking a photo or few each day for the next 30 days. I want to just try and find new ideas, new lighting tricks, and to just keep myself shooting regularly. This as you can see is a little glimpse into the life of my boys at home. As you can see never a dull moment. :) Gotta love boys!

It makes my heart so happy to see Daniel playing again, he had taken a break and I was just waiting to see what God wanted to do.  Personally I think he was born to play.  He is saying that the desire seems to have come back! :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My First McMinnville, Oregon Wedding

I will be shooting a McMinnville Oregon wedding on Sept 24 and I am sooooo excited!  God really hooked me up with this one, it was a lady from our prayer group who happened to need a wedding photographer and whatdaya know I was standing right there! :)  I am so excited to see how I am growing as I shoot more and more, it's such a joy to be able to do what you love! Yay