Friday, June 17, 2011

Life through Photography

 Yes, that's me, I did have my husband take one.  He's practicing for our next wedding shoot. ;)
I really enjoy the freedom of digital.  You can really just click and decide after you have taken the shot. I have had so much fun just experimenting with whatever catches my eye.  I know my children are so used to me shooting photos with them in every stage of life. If they aren't comfortable behind the camera, I don't know who can be.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Discouraged...a little ;)

I know it's probably not very businesslike to blog about your discouragement, but I also want to be realistic. So I wanted to explain why I hadn't blogged for a while. First of all we found out the exciting news, that we have a new little LIFE on it's way! I am only 7 weeks along, but feeling all the symptoms, emotions, tiredness (can't live with out my nap!), not much motivation to do anything, except clean the house (barely) make 2 meals a day (thank goodness for cereal for breakfast) get through the day with out biting anyone's head off.

Therefore, I haven't felt much motivation to blog either, which I feel bad about, but see that I just need to make time for it. So I am back and hope to stay on track. :)

Speaking of pregnancy! This is the lovely Atasha and Will MacGivor